Friday, February 26, 2010


Ok, I try not to be too negative on here. Or too negative in general, but lately that's becoming alot harder. With all the stress of all this stuff piling up on me, sometimes I feel like I am about to break. Holding my life together seems more and more difficult for me, and just when I can't handle anymore something else lands. Divorce is one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through besides the passing of family or a friend. It's a monster all of its own that I have to battle, be happy with, while I'm still angry at it, and mourn. The mix of emotions can be overwhelming. Grieving the loss of something I thought I would have forever is draining. Like I've said many times before, my family has been amazing. Putting myself back together hasn't been easy and I am not nearly finished, I know that. I also know for sure this is something I need to do, there is no turning back. I hope, sometime soon, I can look back on all this and think it was all worth it. I will end up where I need to be, it's just living through this until I get there that is the hard part. I have a new sense of sympathy for anyone that has gone through a divorce. It does grind and shape you until you are made stronger or crumble away, and I refuse to crumble.

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