Thursday, March 24, 2011

Southern Funny 17

How do you know when you're staying in a southern hotel?

When you call the front desk and say "I've gotta leak in my sink."

and the person at the front desk says "go ahead".

bahaha ☺


I finally came to the realization...I married an angry monster with no conscience.
Words I never thought I would even mutter...and I can't fix that mistake soon enough.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can We Build It?

"Yes We Can!" ☺

Another weekend (well, more like day) of helping dismantle and put back together an even bigger deck! (for more pics click here) (Want to have it noted that Toby doesn't ride on the tractor. When it's in motion he safely trots behind it. ☺)

"A lil closer...closer..." And to think he trusted me to pull up the deck with the bucket...just a hair... When not in use...the dogs like to hold the tractor down ☺

Sunday, March 6, 2011

NH ♥

When I feel a little homesick...I like to listen to this ☺:

Step 3...

Step #3...I took another (baby) step just this last week. I finally got the guts to call legal aid and start the process for the divorce. In this state I had to wait 1 year and 1 day before I was even legally allowed to file for a divorce. Well I bypassed that amount of time by a few months.
I felt like I was finally able to move forward from alot of the past. Dealing with the divorce itself now was just bringing back everything that I had spent so much time moving on from. But I finally realized I am just delaying the inevitable. More time won't make it better at this point. So I bit the bullet and now I am just waiting for a lawyer to call me back to answer some questions I need answered. Then hopefully it's just a matter of alot of paper shuffling.
Another reason I didn't want to deal with this, is it has made me feel completely isolated. I have no one to ask advice, I have no one close to me that really knows what I am going through or how to get through it unscathed. I hope it's all done and over with as quickly as possible. Putting that last bit of closer I really need into place.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins 31

Another Friday Fill-Ins:

1. Bring your favorite comforts out on a rainy day.

2. Only those who play nice are included.

3. Nothing is exactly how I thought it would be...but luckily that can also change.

4. Well, you see, things differently.

5. Big changes coming soon!

6. But what if is full of those...don't make yourself crazy thinkin' about it.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxin', tomorrow my plans include I am not even sure yet and Sunday, I want to hide from the much needed rain!