Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins 23

Well I haven't done one of these in forever, and what an ironic theme this week, since I fly to NH for vaca soon!! ☺ Friday Fill-In:


1. On vacation, I like have fun and do things I normally wouldn't get a chance to do.
2. Hoping when I'm up in NH I get to go cool my feet in the ocean.
3. One of my favorite vacation spots isn't super exciting, it's getting to go back 'home'.
4. Now I think of 'Twilight' whenever I see a full moon.
5. Up, up and away, I get to fly alone, eek.
6. Bananas are better dried, mmm banana chips.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading more of my Dan Brown novel, tomorrow my plans include lil shoppin' for travel stuff and Sunday, I want to vegg!

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