Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins 24


Friday Fill-In time, once again ☺

1. Life is all about changes.

2. Sometimes you just need a push to keep going.

3. My last text message (or IM) ended in these three words: ...set against it.

4. Having mexican lasagna is what I'm thinking about for dinner sometime soon.

5. On the 1st day of August it's three days til my birthday.

6. My dog, Toby, is very lively and energetic.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to laundry, I wouldn't exactly say I am lookin' forward to that, tomorrow my plans include more job searching (ugh), some cleaning, and opening birtday gifts and Sunday, I want to Welcome our fabulous guests!! Auntie Liz, Dru and Jack, yippee!

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