Saturday, October 1, 2011

TV Past ☺ Mayberry USA

Us ladies took a lil' trip to "Mayberry" (for those of you my age or younger, that would be the 'fictional town' where the Andy Griffith Show was). Who knew it was all based on Andy Griffith's real home town! ☺
This was Main Street, it was Mayberry Day and there were all sorts of going's on.
Beepa by one of the replica police cars...
Of course my mother had to stop to talk ☺

They even had a live band? hehe, they were pretty good.

Hehehe, too cute Beepa, this was in the Andy Griffith Museum!
Yes, this town has a museum for this one man. I thought it was crazy too, but it was definitely interesting. Everyone here ♥'s Andy Griffith and the Andy Griffith Show. I have never seen a town so immersed in one man or fictional tv show. Most of the shops on Main Street are named after characters of the show. Made for a fun day!
On the way home, we headed up Pilot Mt. or as we called it..."The Nipple"

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