Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins 16

After having one of those bad days, I am now determined to treat this day like any other. Since today is Friday, that means it's time for another, Friday Fill-Ins...

1. Sweet dreams come to those that seek them.

2. It's just been one of those days...especially for me.

3. Silliness is a must in your life, just to keep your sanity.

4. We will have to make our own party this Halloween.

5. Outstanding or not no one is better then anyone else.

6. To forget today even happened is what I want right now!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to it comin' to an end quickly, tomorrow my plans include movie day and Sunday, I want to cheer on the Patriots, let's hope they get another win!

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