Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tubing Down The River

After some quick planning, we all decided to go tubing! As it turned out, just us (Mom, Dad, Kathy, Cort, and myself) were able to go. We packed a lunch, stuck the cooler in it's own floaty, and down the river we went.
And, I have to say thank goodness for sunblock!! 50 SPF really did the trick, cuz after 3+ hours on the water I would of looked like a lobster. (You can see how well we "reflect" hehe)
It was somewhat relaxing, but mostly comical, as we all tried to avoid rocks and the occasional log. Anytime you heard someone yell "rock" or saw a ripple in the water, you immediately had to paddle to avoid it, or lift your bum up. Otherwise you were gonna get grazed.

Had lots of fun and hope to do it again. ☺ (Mom would be the camera operator, hence her absense in the photo)

Happy Father's Day to the best father I know...I am lucky enough to get to call him Dad!

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