Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Zoo 2012

Went to the zoo again this year. The weather was perfect! And all the zoo residents cooperated and came out to peek at us as well...

Us going in....since the polar bear exhibit is well under construction, and Mr. Polar Bear is currently out of state on vaca...they had an entire dinosaur exhibit...

At home with the elephants was a goose new newly hatched chicks!

This is THE closest I have ever seen the white rhinos. They are big! 


And of course giraffes...one of which is pregnant....two of the gorillas are "expecting" too...the zoo is super excited!

More baby baboons!
 lil' baby baboon was being kept track of, his mom was using his tail as a "leash" :)

The baby chimp strutted on by, right in front of us!!! She isn't even the littlest one there!
 Andddd, everyone clean :)

Miss Lioness came out and posed for everyone...

This falcon got up close and personal...he was interacting with some of the zoo attendants...

Still one of my favs :)

River otters

The black bears were running around ALL over the place...


As close as I will get to "old faithful" :)

Grizzly Bear...
 ...holy claws Mr. Bear!

We had lots of fun!

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