Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nothin' Like Good Ol' Medicine

Okay, for the past few days, I have been sick as a dog. Every flu symptom you can think of, besides my stomach. I hate taking cold/flu medicine. But after 3 nights of hardly any sleep, and just getting sicker, I finally caved. Early last night Mike and I made a special trip to the store. I got myself some medicine and tissues (been going through those like mad). All I can say is thank heaven for NyQuil (to be honest, I bought the CVS brand, to be a little more thrifty). But it worked like charm. I took some at 8 and was out like a light and snoring (says Mike) by 9. I say the snoring was caused by my stuffiness! I slept all night, it was wonderful. I felt like one of those goofy people in the commercials..."You will sleep like...*insert something witty*" And I did...hurray for medicine!!

**I almost forgot, it is exactly a year today, that we moved to and arrived in, our new 'home' state!**

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