Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend Of Paint

Cortney headed over to our place friday night for a weekend of painting! We literally painted from morning 'til night. Got alot done for the charity auction we are both going to be in, in early November. Had alot of fun! ☺

(Cortney paintin')
(Toby helped, by mostly staying out of the way, and tryin' to catch a certain lil' fly that kept buzzing around the room. Hehehe, that was just entertaining to watch him!)
(...More paintin', notice the pepsi cans, lots of much needed caffeine was consumed.)

This is what I got done so far....everything is painted free-hand...

(Scarecrow faces)

(Gourde buckets, LOVED how these turned out, though they took alot of time.)
....everything so far, there's more to paint though! ☺

1 comment:

Mrs N said...

Those look awesome! Great job! I had no idea you were so crafty. :D