Sunday, February 19, 2012

D*mn It!

Just within the last few days. I have finally come to the conclusion, I am not lactose intolerant. Rather I am actually allergic to dairy. I have noticed my "intolerance" has gotten worse, which does not really happen. And after lots of research...I don't think I was ever lactose intolerant, just misdiagnosed a decade ago. I was never given a proper test by my doctor. I just got the ol'...oh you feel sick when you drink milk? You are probably just lactose intolerance, stay away from milk...ugh!
Reading everything that I have to look out for and not eat leaves me nearly in tears. I can't pronounce half of the crap I can't eat! Processed foods are loaded with hidden ingredients from just about everything! I am almost scared to eat. I have a new found respect for my mom who was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue disease years ago, and has been on a gluten-free diet ever since.
I can't even eat a cracker without strategically combing through the ingredients. At this point, becoming vegan or at least clean eating; might not just be an idea, but a reality. And eating out, or eating anything I didn't prepare myself, from scratch, scares me. The stomach pain I experience later is a painful reminder not to cheat at all. And the list of other symptoms leaves my head spinning. I am hoping that completely cutting out any dairy (even proteins that are put in other foods) will help allieviate things that I have suffered with for years. Having had no idea that any of it could be related to a full blown food allergy.
A severe update to my recipes will be in order...if substitutions can't be found, just gonna chuck it. Or else I will later up-chuck...ha ha ha...Ok that was bad...but accurate :-p

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