Monday, February 6, 2012

Optimism In Disappointment

We had a party for the Super Bowl, hosted by my Grandparents; since our home team (the New England Patriots) were playing!!

My contribution to the food intake...dip (nacho cheese, guacamole, salsa and sour cream). ☺ Yumm-o!
All of the goodies our super-duper hosts made...Yummy!!
Which was followed by Cort's Patriots cupcakes!!
Sisters and I, all ready for the big game...this was before the 3+ hours of intense stress and alot of yelling at the television. ☺
BIG CHEERS!!! ♥ and the outer portion of my layers of Patriots *good luck*
That's right, layers ☺ I was laughed at for wearing my Patriots: T-shirt, sweatshirt, pin, hat, Bruschi jersey, pj pants, blanket, scarf and water bottle (also had other family members wearing some of my stuff). Apparently I needed another layer, 'cuz they alllllllmost won!
Though the better team didn't win...I am trying my best to not be bitter. (Really difficult though!!) I have done a fairly good job at avoiding all the media bologna. Negativity is something in my vocabulary that I am doing my best to completely eliminate. Losing to the Giants again stung though...ok, it stung alot! But I am still proud of *my* Patriots. With what was rated as the worst defense in the entire NFL...the Patriots still made it to the Super Bowl!!! They still nearly won! They will get better, they will come back stronger. Look what they were able to accomplish with what they did have. It's nothing to scoff at and belittle, or point fingers as to whose fault it was, just because they lost one game. And we all know the media loves to hype up the hurts. So I am just steering clear of it. The New England Patriots will always be the only team for me.
I have been rooting on my Pats (win or lose) for over a decade now! Hard to believe that there was once a time when I wanted nothing to do with football.

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