Sunday, December 21, 2008


Today is a pretty good day. I finally got all the Christmas presents wrapped, although not under the tree (Lily thinks it's fun to chew on them). Today I get to enjoy my day with my husband on his birthday, and we get to relax and watch some football . Honestly the only game I care to see though is of course my New England Patriots, who are currently playing quite well (so far 3 touchdowns and barely in the 2nd quarter!!). But I got a little home sick as soon as I turned on the game. I saw all the snow, and it seemed totally bizarre to me that here I am in nice warm weather. This is the first time that I have watched a Pats game while it snowed there and I didn't have snow out my own window. I felt like I was a million miles away. I love watching them play in the snow, and for the first time in awhile I miss having my own snow. Guess I am just gonna have to try and visit up north next year.
And I have to just say, Happy Birthday babe!!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I will have a talk with Mother Nature, God, or whoever else I need to, to make sure you get some of our snow. Easily 10 inches of snow on Friday, only to get 8-12 more today. We had to go to the grocery store this morning, in the snow, because we had no food when we got home last night, and it's a blizzard out there!!