Friday, September 26, 2008

That Just Wasn't Fair

I have already said several times, that we take Toby for a walk every night. Well, tonight was no exception...we are walking along and noticed it starting to sprinkle. Which on a day like today doesn't bring much alarm, it has done it in the past and most of the time it stops sprinkling in a short amount of time, and we don't really get wet at all. So we just coaxed Toby to go a little quicker with his walking and continued on our way. The sprinkling let up as we kept walking and Mike and I continued our conversation.
Then without started to pour, and I don't mean just rain hard. It was one of those driving down, blinding rains. Within seconds we were soaked. Trying to squint to see our way, and looking back at Toby, and giggling to each other, because he was making the same squint. At that point he could of cared less about going potty, Toby just wanted to get home. I decided to make the most of it and starting dancing and running in the rain, what else was there to do? Toby joined me, having fun running through the streams of water running down the street Hehehe...Mike tried to hurry us along, all he was wearing was a T-shirt, and he was starting to get cold quick. Needless to say when we arrived home, all three of us were dripping, freezing, and laughing. But...we finished the walk :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, to be young and silly again...

Uncle Jon

who is sometime old and silly