Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins 1

K, I have run out of things to type about on a regular I finally caved and started the Friday Fill-Ins:

ffi we go!
1. It seems like everyone forgot today was Friday the 13th.
2. Put the seat down when you're done, please?
3. If I thought you actually read this I'd post more often!
4. Crazy, lovable, goober is what I think of most when I think of you (Toby).
5. To me, Valentine's Day means showing a little more attention and time with the ones I love.
6. Knowing that things will get easier, and my parents got through it all gives me strength.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping (worked two shifts today), tomorrow my plans include finally selling that bed and spending some time with my Valentine and Sunday, I want to rest and get some laundry and domestic stuff done!

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