Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins 6

Another Friday Fill-Ins

1. Why do we have to work at jobs we really don't like to make money? Sometimes I wish it was like 'Star Trek', yes, I admit I used to watch that when I was younger...can't we just live our life to better ourselves and help others? :-)
2. Recycling and forgetting to water my plants are now habits.
3. I have got to say, I am pretty lucky in my life, when I consider things could of gone a different way.
4. I had never heard the phrase "**ck me running!!!!" and it made my Dad and I burst out laughing when we heard my mother yell it because she stubbed her toe. (ouch) Later I learned where she heard it from. Jen is a bad influence :-p
5. I will do it the way I always do.
6. How was I to know the paint wouldn't stay on the balcony floor. (dang it!)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to trying to figure some stuff out, tomorrow my plans include getting the Jeep inspected (keeping my fingers crossed) and some shopping and Sunday, I want to spend some quiet time with my hubby, and maybe mow the lawn!

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